Sunday, June 13, 2010

Facebook Mums

Facebook Mums present a totally new way of mothering if you ask me...not that you are but still, its something I've noticed. And as a Facebook Mum myself I'm never surprised when I log in first thing in the morning or really at anytime through the day and see my 'friends' who I know are mothers with small, kindy or primary school aged children, "online" too. I see the profile comments while placing my own next to my name, "Hmmm 5 am start, good sleep in" (and they mean it) or "not enough wine in the world to cope with the terrible two's". What are we doing? How are we able to spend the time checking out our friends commentary, photos and status' with small children? ABC kids? Sleep time?

Back in the day, non facebook mothers used to clean and cook, groom the dog, make themselves presentable for their man (well in the 50's anyway), they cooked onions to make the house smell inviting, grabbed the husbands pipe and slippers as he walked through the door and lipsticked and perfumed up for him...a bit different these days thank God, the internet age is upon us well and truly, although I don't know if this is an ideal arrangement. Prior to Facebook I would only get on the computer when my daughter slept. Now I have a lap top and it is on all day and I constantly check facebook and in particular my facebook games. I know I am not alone in this which kind of makes it worse yet widely understandable and even acceptable in terms of others opinions.There are a million of these games on facebook. My choice of online game is FarmVille and also Mousehunt but I have also played Mafia wars and tried lots of other games...they are addictive, time consuming yet fun! Games are also more interesting than some of the facebook mums comments on their childs bowel movements etc.

Unfortunately I am guilty of the frequent comment to my daughter, "hold on baby, I'm harvesting." When my partner comes home and asks what we did today, my child says, "Mummy harvesting,"....not good. Not good at all. So I've made a rule about gaming. Only after she is in bed or at child care or out with my longer at other times because an application should never, ever come before my child or my relationship for that matter. My partner will not lose a wife to facebook.

Facebook has become a forum for mum's (and others) to state anything fairly uninteresting about their children's behaviour and/or bodily functions. Why do I care that a friend's kid 2,000 kilometres away from me has a snotty nose this morning...I also don't give a shit about every cutsey comment a friend's child utters...I don't think it is necessarily cute. What has become of us? Some people tell the world too much stuff, its embarrassing, its boring, its humiliating...and in saying all that, I am so guilty of it myself sometimes, because it's cathartic and it helps to read that others are going through something similar. There's nothing like an emotional purge to make us feel better. Its cleansing. It's a tool for the normally unheard.

Whatever we call it, snoop book, bitch book, lamebook, gamebook, facebook, it's here for a while and its up to facebook mums to rememeber that kids come first. If you are worrying about withering can purchase unwither!! The same can't be said for our children.

Crazy things women do on Facebook

Women on Facebook...not just the young


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